Never EVER as I do.
fearful reflections and hijinks aplenty
The image above is a bit hard to read. So get the kids and gather round:
We're two jolly little coons,
You cannot find our match.
We're just as sweet as sugar plums,
We never bite or scratch.
We play together all day long,
From care and trouble free.
Our life is just a pleasant song ---
Two little coons are we.
Meet AMNESIATOR - able to induce Memory Distrust Syndrome with a single spin. His one weakness: the internet.
1. Music Fireplace. Features built-in speakers and an adjustable sub-woofer for use with any MP3 or portable CD player. Pop in a "Sounds of the Fireplace" CD and see if anyone can tell the difference between you and someone who can afford a real fireplace.
2. Wine Cooler Fireplace. Finally - a unit both beautiful and practical enough to properly chill (and showcase) the L'Entre-Cote. Hello ladies.