What? That's a terrible title. Seriously though, fairly warned be thee; they're full of weirdness and bad news.
In the interest of science, carpe diem and alleviating guilt by finding a solution to our long-standing paradox of doing something while doing nothing, Brock and I decided to increase our theta brainwave output by exploring the exciting domain of flotation-entertainment.
One hour of complete sensory deprivation in a small egg-shaped pod. Just you and your breathing, naked and floating freely with the help of over 2000 cups of Epsom salts.
This kind of claustrophobic solitude sounds like a great idea. But the potential for bad vibes and freakouts can quickly outweigh the weightlessness.
To wit: Brock later admitted to experiencing nightmarish scenarios involving Bobby McFerrin and her grandmother.
I was overtaken by a messianic complex (not unusual in Quebec). I thrashed about for twenty-some minutes, my eyes burning with corrosive salts, screaming in Latin. I was then politely removed and restrained by four hippie attendants who, despite my demands of allegiance, calmly insisted that I was not their Pod Godling.
The good news – today, I’m back on my game and my skin looks five years younger.
I didn't say it was Bobby McFerrin. I just said the guy who joined me midway through my session kept whispering 'Sssh, sssh, don't worry, be happy' in my ear as he groped me in the darkness. No biggie.
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