Fiiiinally. Rummy, shown here attempting to hypnotize the press corps into making out with each other, is resigning. Hold the applause - there's a fish in a barrel I want to shoot.
Who could forget your steadfast optimism about Iraq:
"Which view of Iraq is more accurate?" The pessimistic view of the so-called elites in our country or the more optimistic view of millions of Iraqis and some 155,000 U.S. troops on the ground?"
(December 2005, washingtonpost.com)
Except maybe you:
""I have never painted a rosy picture. I've been very measured in my words, and you'd have a dickens of a time trying to find instances where I've been excessively optimistic."
(August 2006, guardian.co.uk)
To be fair, the former quote was a dickens of an open-ended question.
Missing him already? Fear not. DumDum will still be around as a honourary member of The Avengers.
Meet AMNESIATOR - able to induce Memory Distrust Syndrome with a single spin. His one weakness: the internet.
I think you made a typo in the hed. It's Rumsfeld, not Dums... Oh. Oh I see what you did there. Bra-vo.
P.P. likes his 'mos. So what? Wanna fight about it?
Uhh... No. Actually that was a reference to a very old Bloom County cartoon. Think Steve Dallas as "Frat-Boy". Anyway, I still think PP should stop trying to tie everything into comic book characters.
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