Mistaken Identity
In regard to Rhiannon's Brock latest reflux of sensationalistic and slanderous hokum, I would like to take a moment to clarify the following:
1. As there are several people in the world who share my namesake, I suspect that Ms Brock must be desperate for news these days. For shame Brock - lumping me in with the zealots, wackjobs and stooges who constitute both the bulk of your blog’s content and its readership. Speaking of crazy, am I mistaken or is that a Symbionese Liberation Army uniform you’re wearing in your blog pic?
2. With regard to my alleged "baby raping", I believe that my many years of volunteer work with the Cumming First United Methodist Church Children's Ministries (http://www.cummingfirst.com/children.html) will put to rest any present or future accusations of sexual misconduct. Alas, would but Ms Brock could experience the immense pleasure of seeing the smiling face of a Cumming child as I have, she might desist in her baseless attempts at character assassination.
Mr. Phelps, your silence will only incriminate you further.
No, Mr. Phelps, don't take your anger out on me. Get back! Get back! Mist -- Mr. Phelps -- nooo!
[Dramatization -- may not have happened]
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