Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Actionable Items: Stock Tip

Don't spread it around but it seems that "abortion has diminished the value of children". Called my broker immediately and eighty-sixed that sh*t before the market bottomed out (thanks Brock - owe you a Coke). Now I need to find something a bit more stable. S tells me he's putting more and more money into dead kittens but I'm skeptical.

In other news, it seems God has been expelled from school. I can't help but wonder what kind of mischief he'll get into now. Seriously though, what kind of example does this set for Jesus?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

S is putting more and more money into dead kittens? Seems like dead kittens are sure to lose whatever value they have: a reliable source tells me that God kills a kitten every time you add a post.
Plus, you're not getting off the hook for the other usual reasons that he kills them.

5:07 PM  

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