Right of Reply
Cheers to my esteemed colleague Rhiannon Brock who has just plugged my little effort here on her own highly successful and much beloved Fag Hags and Handbags blog. Jeers to her lacklustre sarcasm, sucky-baby name calling and outright (dare i say - illegal?) declaration of war. The following is a polite but firm reply I plan to have hand delivered when I find out who she is and where she squats.
My Dearest Brock:
Must we be blenemies? I have followed your blogging with casual interest over the past few months, going so far as to actually read some of your postings in their entirety. I cannot overstate the adequacy of your wit, nor the sense of moderately less boredom with which it and your oblique observations fill my life. Thank you. Thank yooooou.
Although you will never see a goth poem in your honour grace the darkness, the blackness, the silence and the sadness of my blograg (my "blag" if you and the progressive democracy that is urbandictionary.com will so indulge me), I want you know that your comments and suggestions will always be eagerly anticipated, warmly welcomed and mercilessly censored.
Pic of me with a gun, Paul? Ouch. Too soon. (my profile photo doesn't count-- it's blurry).
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