Creation Vacation

Screw Europe. This spring I'm going south. To rural northern Kentucky. To be one of the first to visit the Creation Museum! And you're coming with me!
Together we'll explore Ken Ham's sprawling $25 million monument to creationism as we learn about alternative theories to existence. The kind that will definitely make us question years of faith-poor evolutionary science.
"Look out!" we'll say as we witness roaring dinosaurs and animatronic humans coexisting in a biblical paradise.
And who will be able to draw a breath when we learn how baby thunder lizards fit on Noah's Ark or how Cain married his hot, hot sister to populate the Earth? Not us!
Personally, I can't wait to talk to the chaplain - the one that has been hired for museum-goers in need of spiritual guidance. So long egghead tour guides (is what we'll say)!
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