Comics. With Nazis.
Nazis make good villains. No, really. Observe:
Here we see Captain America getting slapped (hard) by Nazi Frankenstein.
Ah, but here Cap takes his "wish fulfilment" revenge by punching Hitler. I'm not sure why all the Nazis who are firing guns are missing him at this range. (Note: impossible to see at this size but worth mentioning are the historically accurate "Sabotage Plans For U.S.A.", written in English, sticking out from under the map of America.)
Nazis make good villains. No, really. Observe:

A Nazi Ghost Ship? With Ghosts of Nazis? You better believe the Green Hornet will have his hands full. Of ghosts!
The fey gentleman in green tights goes by the handle of "Captain Nazi". Personally I think he should have worn the standard-issue uniform (like Nazi Frankenstein).
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